I took the stairs today and might start a fitspo insta for the peasants who didn’t.

Cubical Thoughts

Extremely proud of myself today. It takes some serious strength of mind to take the stairs rather than succumb to the temptation of the elevator. Today I turn over a new leaf.

There I was, in the lobby of my office. I started to turn toward the direction of the elevator as I normally do, but then it hit me – do I want to be the type of person who wheezes their way up the stairs when I have to take them? Company sports season is starting (I’m on three teams – no big deal but I’m sort of the shit around here) and the last thing I want is to be the one falling behind.

Just once in my life, I want to be that annoying person that is just slightly better than everyone else. Like when you’re talking about how lazy you were last weekend and that one guy decides it’s a good time to discuss the 10 mile run he completed after he cleaned out his whole house and rescued a cat stuck in a tree (the last part was a little dramatic, but it’s early and I just worked myself up a bit).

Anyway, I think this might be a turning point. Maybe I’ll dust off the old fitbit. Better late than never for that summer bod.