Are they actually attractive or do they just sit within 100ft of your cubicle?

Cubical Thoughts

There’s this dude that sits across the office from me who slightly resembles Shia LaBeouf from the holes era. Lately I have been finding myself going to get coffee in that area just so he notices me.

I mean seriously if I saw this guy in public I wouldn’t give him a second glance, but being constantly surrounded by middle-aged men who have been working at this corporation for 25+ years has drastically altered my perception of reality. I have legitimately been treating this dude like he’s Ryan Gosling for the past couple of weeks and he is a 6 at best (I’m being incredibly generous with that score). I’m talking stuttering when he talks to me, the whole nine.

The other day he put his hand on my shoulder to let me know he was passing me in the coffee station (completely harmless) and I felt actual shivers throughout my body. Like, I went back to my desk and almost sent my girlfriends an “omg what does this mean” text. I quickly came to my senses and realized I was acting like a legitimate psychopath. What’s sadder than this is it was the most exciting thing that happened to me all day.

Hope everyone is surviving. (if you’re actually reading this?)