To the guy who put a sign on the coffee machine instead of refilling it and moving on like the rest of us:

Cubical Thoughts

We’ve all been there. You’re halfway through your day and the only thing keeping you from going insane is the thought of the coffee you’re about to brew for yourself. You get to the coffee station and as life would have it – there are no more coffee pods or grinds. You have to walk all the way to facilities (or even just open a drawer) so you can refill the machine.

It’s annoying, tedious, and feels like it happens to you more than it happens to anyone else. But you do it anyway. Why? Because there was a time when you were the person who took the last pod and didn’t replace it. Or just because you want a cup of coffee and this is the only way you’ll get one.

Do you know what you don’t do? Leave a sign written in bold permanent marker saying “REFILL THE COFFEE PODS IF YOU USE THE LAST ONE”.  Thanks for the memo man, but now I’m here and there are still no coffee pods or grinds and I’m the one who has to go and get more. In the time it took to find a piece of paper, write this out, and tape it to the coffee machine, you could have done all the work necessary to do the exact thing you are complaining about.

Thanks though. This was fun.