Nothing is more unattractive than a grown man who calls dinner “din din”


I’m sorry, but this guy just texted me asking what I was doing for “din din” and I borderline threw up in my mouth. It’s too bad because I actually liked him for a while but he is officially cut for what can only be described as gross misconduct.

Did he honestly type that out and think, “yes– This is the text I want to send to this girl”? I mean if this is his thought process on asking me to dinner, god knows what else he could have up his sleeve. Call me dramatic or whatever you want, but this is a major red flag that can’t be ignored. I can put up with a lot of things, but a grown ass dude using the term “din din” in a completely serious manner is probably one of the bigger turn offs I have ever encountered this soon into dating.

It was fun while it lasted.