I don’t slow down to look at car accidents because I am better than the people who do.


If you are someone who delays my commute by half an hour in order to get a brief glance at a car wreck on the other side of the highway, please just do us all a favor and start taking public transit. Do you feel better about your own life now that you have seen what a shit day that other guy is having? Were you even able to get a proper glance or did you slow down just enough to get a brief second but went too fast to really take the entire thing in?

I flat out refuse to slow down and look at accidents purely because I want to feel superior to the people that do. I will literally sit in my car smug as hell driving past the accident pretending that everyone else on the road is impressed by my self restraint and thanking me for my ability to continue the flow of traffic. Realistically, I know that nobody notices or pays that much attention to me on the road, but it feels good to know that I am better than 90% of the people driving around me. It’s the little things in life that keep me going.

Now, I don’t want you to feel too badly if you are one of the people I am referring to. At least you’re not one of the ones who unnecessarily weave in and out of bumper to bumper traffic only to get to their destination .7 seconds quicker than the rest of us, right?

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