How did I get here?

Cubical Thoughts

Have you ever been faced with a task so unimaginably tedious and boring that you just spend 3 hours designing your own website instead?

I would literally rather sit here and talk to the internet abyss about how little I want to do this project than actually do it. The kicker is it is due by end of day and sitting here writing this will probably end with me staying late after work to get it done.

Of course, by end of day when I don’t have this project done, I won’t blame myself. I’ll blame my boss for giving me such a meaningless task. I’ll blame this company for understaffing my department. I won’t kick myself for graduating college with a mediocre GPA and a communications degree because nothing is ever my fault.

Anyway, I usually just type these things out in emails and send them to myself to re-read later. I’m not even kidding, sometimes when I am bored and can’t think of anything to write, I will go back and read the things I emailed to myself when I did know what to write. It’s an endless cycle of possible narcissism that I don’t plan on kicking any time soon.

Because of this, I have decided to take my useless hobby and make it into a blog. Maybe someone will read this one day and know that they are not alone. One second you’re in college funnelling a beer with 20 of your closest acquaintances chanting your name, the next you are cooped up in a cubicle for eight hours— with the decision of what you want for lunch being the most exciting thought you have all day.

Life comes at you fast, man.

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